• Chapter 1
    The story began one bright blue day in a small Queensland tourist centre on the coast of the northern tropics. It was late winter ­–August – peak season for the small family businesses that make a living serving the thousands of tourists who come to holiday in the area each year. That morning, one of… Read more: Chapter 1
  • Chapter 2
    Industrial Relations: Lies and Intimidation In this chapter I will present a brief overview of the economic changes and decisions that took place in Australia between the 1980s and the early 2000s and consequently helped create the landscape we found ourselves in 2006. Moreover, it will illustrate the lengths governments will go to in order… Read more: Chapter 2
  • Chapter 3
    An Interesting Year-bought a business. I was born in 1951 in Northampton, England. My father made shoes, my mother was a dress maker, and my brother was a hairdresser. After school I chose a mechanical apprenticeship and ended up working as an automotive technician, though one with a whole range of second jobs in a… Read more: Chapter 3